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Worple Primary School


HOPE - Helping to Offer Positive Experiences

Introducing HOPE… A new dedicated inclusion team, covering a wide range of knowledge, experience and contacts.

HOPE stands for Helping to Offer Positive Experiences and here at Worple that’s exactly what we aim to achieve. Every child has the ability to engage and learn when happy and content and so creating a nurturing environment enriched with support, love and care is our priority.

Our dedicated staff have regular and up to date training which provides the skills and understanding needed to support each and every child.

The HOPE team provide a number of interventions across the school ensuring resilience and confidence.

Our Pastoral Support is directed towards both pupils and parents and will focus on encouraging positive relationships within the local community and individual support. Parents will have access to professionally trained staff and organisations that have a wealth of information.

HOPE forms the umbrella to all interventions and services available here at Worple Primary School.

  • ELSA Support
  • TIS UK
  • Mental Health First Aid Practitioners
  • Early Help Service
  • Drawing and Talking Programme
  • LVA Charity
  • CAMHS Trailblazers
  • SEN
  • EAL

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Pastoral Manager Carlie Pennington should you wish to discuss any of the above.  You can contact Mrs Pennington via the school office email: office@worple.hounslow.sch.uk