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Worple Primary School


The Governing Body works as a team to make sure the school is a safe and happy place for children to learn and staff to work. Governors have a general responsibility for seeing that the school is run effectively. The strength of the Governing Body lies in the collective knowledge, experience and expertise of its members.

The Governing Body has three main roles:

  • To work with the Headteacher and staff to provide and support the strategic direction and vision for the school
  • To have responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the school's effectiveness, asking challenging questions and pressing for continuous improvement to promote the interests of the school and its pupils
  • To ensure accountability. The Headteacher and staff report to the Governing Body on the school's performance. In turn, the Governing Body is answerable to parents and the wider local community for the school's overall performance

The full Governing Body meets once every term to discuss the strategic issues facing the school at the time. In addition, there are two sub-committees that meet once every term. These sub-committees cover:

  • Curriculum and Pupil Welfare
  • Resources

Our Governors

Governors (ID 1142)

  • Marais leenders
    Executive Headteacher
  • Lynda Boys
    Chair of Governors / Co-opted Governor
  • Cordie Wingrove
    Vice Chair
  • Maz Whittaker
    Staff Governor
  • Camela Gurprashad Stevenson
    LA Governor
  • Roxanne Glaud
    Co-opted Governor
  • Paul Needham
    Co-opted Governor
  • Malcolm Roberts
    Co-opted Governor
  • Steve Clark
    Parent Governor
  • Neil Brooker Kidd
    Parent Governor

 Additional Links

Code of Conduct - Sept24Governor Attendance 23-24Governor Constitution 2023-24