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Worple Primary School

PE and Sports Premium

Platinum Kite-Mark Status

We are very proud to announce that in July 2023 Worple Primary has been awarded the School Games Platinum Mark for our commitment to competition, school sport and physical education. This follows five consecutive years of achieving the Gold award. 

The School Games Mark is owned and created by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and is implemented and developed by the Youth Sport Trust and Sport England. There are bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels of the Mark and we have worked very hard to achieve the platinum level.  We wholeheartedly thank all those who contributed towards this great achievement!  We will now be focusing on maintaining our platinum award for our school over the coming years.​

Additional links:

Sports Premium Spending 2021-2022

Sports Premium spending 2022-23

Sports Premium Spending 2023-2024

Worple 24-25 action plan