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Worple Primary School

School Clubs

At Worple we run and host a variety of extra curricular clubs. These may be delivered by school staff or external providers and charges vary accordingly.  These are reviewed every term and updated Clubs are available to pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 from the Autumn term, and Reception children can take up clubs from the summer term.

Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.  Where clubs are oversubscribed, you may be offered an alternative club or be placed on a waiting list.  We have high expectation of behaviour in our school clubs, therefore children may be asked not to continue to attend a club if their behaviour does not meet the high standards we expect throughout the school day.

Spring Term Clubs 2025

Club Year Group Provider Cost per session Days Available places
Football 3 - 6 Onside Football Coaching £6 Monday 12
Digital Leaders 1 - 2 Miss Rafiq  £5 Monday 0
Creative Club / Cooking  Reception Miss Moore &  Mrs Cela £5 Tuesday 9
Science Club 1 - 4 Creative Sparks £6 Wednesday 10
Karate R - 6 UK Karate £6.25 (Term fee only) Wednesday 10
Glow Dodgeball 4 - 6 Glow Disco Fitness £5.50 Thursday 10
Arts & Crafts 3 - 6 Mrs Mocanu and Miss Moore £5 Thursday 3
All clubs run from 3:20 - 4:20pm.  Please speak to the school office should you wish to take up a club place for your child.