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Worple Primary School

School Meals

At Worple our School Meals are cooked by a chef at Brentford School for Girls and then hygienically transported to our kitchen ready to be served. There is a different menu each day with a variety of options to suit all dietary and religious requirements.

Meals must be ordered at least one week in advance and meals can be selected and paid for in advance through your ParentPay account.

For the academic year 2023 - 2024 all primary school children in state-funded schools in London will get free school meals.  The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is providing the funding as an emergency cost of living support measure. 

Universal Free School Meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school meals under the Government's Universal Free School Meals initiative (UFSM).  You must still order your child's meal through ParentPay so that they get the meal of their choice.  

From September 2018, we are requesting that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) in school each day. This will remove the Packed Lunch option from all infant aged pupils unless you have a particular reason for this. If you feel that your child will need to have a packed lunch, please speak to the school office. 

There are many benefits for the children eating together in this way, as well as the financial savings for you at home. We have also noticed that when children have school meals together, it promotes positive interactions and can even encourage your child to try new foods.

Free School Meals

Families receiving Income Support or Job seeker Allowance (Income-based) are also entitled to free school meals once the school is in receipt of the correct paperwork. 

The information at Apply for Free School Meals gives details on this matter. If you think you may be eligible and are applying, please let the school office know so that we can offer any support required. 

Allergies and Intolerances

We understand that some children suffer from food allergies and/or intolerances and would need a special diet. Our food provider is happy to accommodate this and can provide alternative menus where necessary. If your child does have an allergy or food intolerance, please make sure that you notify the school immediately as they will then ask you to complete some forms which will then be passed to the kitchen staff.

How to Order

Meals should be ordered online, in half termly or weekly chunks where possible, via the ParentPay site which can be accessed via your computer, iPad or Smartphone. If you require help with this, we will be happy to assist in the school office. 

For all children, there is a choice of a hot school lunch or a packed lunch option. These must also be ordered online in the same way, even if your child receives free school meals. If you do not order food for your child, they may not get the meal of their choice.  If you pay for the lunches, this will be charged to your account at the end of the day.

Lunchtime Supervisors look after the children, supervising them in the dining hall and encouraging them to play happily and safely outside. The school has a large outdoor play structure and also provides small apparatus for play at lunchtimes.

Additional links:

Weekly Master Menu - Week 1 - 24 Feb 25Weekly Master Menu - Week 2 - 3 Mar 25Weekly Master Menu - Week 3 - 10 Mar 25Weekly Master Menu - Week 4 - 17 March 25Weekly Master Menu - Week 5 - 24 Mar 25Weekly Master Menu - Week 6 - 31 Mar 25