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Worple Primary School


At Worple we strive to support all our children enabling them to be the best they can be at school. Our aim is to remove barriers to learning and work to their strengths. All children are valued, respected and equal members of the school community. For some children however, there may be times when they need additional support on their journey.

For students who fall within the areas of special needs, they may need further support or specialist provision with the general curriculum. The areas of SEND are:

  • Cognition and Learning needs
  • Communication and Interaction needs
  • Sensory/Physical needs
  • Behaviour, Emotional & Social Needs
  • Medical needs

We pride ourselves on being a wholly inclusive school. We have a team of experienced staff able to deliver a range of exciting and stimulating interventions, which we adapt to meet each child’s individual needs including: Speech & Language, Makaton, PECS, Colourful Semantics, and Zones of Regulation. We continue to be responsive to any new developments.

We have a Social Communication Cluster that is attached to our Reception Class. This is designed for two children to attend that have difficulties with Social Communication needs and may also be on the ASD pathway. It is for children that need a more structured routine but are also able to engage with parts of the mainstream curriculum. The Cluster Lead is Karen Patton. In order to access the Cluster, Parents can request to the SEN Team at Hounslow that they would like their child to attend. The placement is for the whole of Reception Year. Some of the children have then gone onto other provisions although we have had many children that have successfully stayed with us at Worple.

We have an excellent relationship with a wide range of outside agencies including: Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapists, Physio Therapists, CAMHS, Physical Disability Team, Speech and Language Therapists, Behaviour and Learning Therapists. If you are concerned that your child may be having some difficulties then please see the class teacher first. They will then refer your concerns onto the SEND Team where we will discuss what Interventions or support they may need.

If your child is placed on the SEN register or is being monitored, they will have a PSP (Pupil Support Plan). This will have identified targets on it and we will review them termly. You will be asked to attend the meeting as we value your input as a parent. We will also involve the child in this process.

If your child has involvement from any outside agencies that we are not aware of, then please contact the SEN Team so we can support your child and work with that agency to deliver the outcomes.

Meet the SEND Team

SEND Team (ID 1148)